JSC AD Plastik

Region: Samara region
Personnel: 250÷1000
Specialization: production of auto components and spare parts for cars: thermoforming process, extrusion process (sealing, edgings, roof molding), production of non-woven textiles for own purposes.
Products: sealings, carpets, parcel shelves, upholstery of arches and rear sides, headlining, interior and exterior plastic parts of car.
Technologies: injection molding (including two-component molding).
- Ultrasonic and vibration welding, hot plate and hot air welding,
- High-frequency welding.
- Cold and hot thermoforming of upholstery and carpets.
- Extrusion blow molding of air ducts.
- Extrusion (one-, two-, three- component) of thermoplastic elastomers.
- Needle-punched non woven textile technology.
Customers: AVTOVAZ, LADA West TLT, OAG, Renault Russia.